Story of a friendship with a deepwater Liparis tanakae snailfish
Selected photographs of marine life behavior from 2023
The Other 99%
Thoughts on valuing under-appreciated organisms of the sea
In Memoriam
Story about an East Asian octopus (Octopus sinensis) rearing a clutch of eggs out of season, during winter
Photo Highlights 2020
A selection of images from 2020
Wonder Women
Photographs and discussion of hemiclonal reproduction of Hexagrammos greenling species in northern Japan
How I Tricked a Sea Lion
How I saved the life of a fish when a friendly Australian sea lion offered it to me as a meal
Zombie Sex Slaves
How a parasitic Sacculina barnacle turns crabs into zombie sex slaves
Sowing Seeds
Thoughts from giving two talks to the kids of Kannoura primary school in rural Japan, Kochi Prefecture
Humpback Whale Mystery Solved?
Teasing out details from a morning of observing intense social activity of humpback whales