A few super-macro goby images that I shot at approximately 3x life-size magnification in Kokopo, New Ireland in Papua New Guinea, at between seven and ten metres depth.
I think this beautiful sparkly fish with fins flared is a species of Vanderhorstia:
Possibly an undescribed shrimp goby species of the genus Vanderhorstia?
The next two...no clue, but I caught the one below just when it did a "gulp", which most gobies seem to do from time to time:
And this one looks like it's all made up to go out and paint the town red, or perhaps blue and gold (Update: Looks like the one below may be Vanderhorstia ornatissima, thank you Tsutaki-san!):
Taking photos of little fish like this requires spending a lot of time with them, and being patient. If you're completely still and wait long enough, they'll sometimes allow to you to approach within centimetres. Sometimes.
Please let me know if you can help me ID these fish!
(Update: It seems like they're probably all Vanderhorstia species.)