Quick note about an upcoming trip to see and photograph spawning of twinspot snappers (Lutjanus bohar) in Palau...

I'll be heading over for the latter half of April to see this awe-inspiring spectacle again. It never gets old.
There are a few spots available for this trip being organised by my friends at Nauticam. Suffice it to say that there will be a lot of camera equipment on the trip, as well as people who understand photo stuff (probably better than I do!).
So if you're a marine photography buff and you want to learn about spawning aggregations (I can't imagine anyone who doesn't!), this is your opportunity.
For background reading, here is a link to my original post three years ago about this spawning event.
We will be diving the beautiful reefs of Palau as well, of course.
But the spawning is mind-blowing. That's all I can say.
Drop me a note if you're interested.
Hope to see you there.