Meeting Paul

Right as I finished my last dive in Lembeh, Paul Humann arrived at the resort.

Paul works with people like Ned DeLoach, Gerry Allen and Roger Steene to produce excellent marine life guide books, one of which I used every day while in Lembeh.

paul humann

Ned and Anna DeLoach are staying nearby at KBR, and they popped over for a quick visit too, but I didn't have a camera with me to snap a photo. Geri Murphy from Skin Diver days is over at KBR too. I'm bummed I don't have more time to hook up with them.

They're in Lembeh for a while, then headed to Raja Ampat to cruise back over to Lembeh by boat. Follow their journey here.

Incidentally, I showed Paul a couple of images I took here of fish I can't ID, and he's somewhat puzzled too, so after he's back from his trip, we'll get on to trying to figure out what they are. One of the fish is the little orange pokemon I posted a while ago.