Humpback Whale Photos Recent Articles

Out of interest for any Norwegian and Italian readers, here are two recent articles that used a couple of my humpback whale photos.

The first is from D2, a weekly publication put out by the publishers of Dagens Naeringsliv. The article is about whale watching tourism in northern in Norway. I can't read Norwegian, so I don't know exactly what's stated, but the journalists were really cool. (click to download PDF

There is also an accompanying video of me blabbing about whales, with footage from my recent visit to northern Norway to photograph orcas.

humpback whale female and calf
Cover of D2, Norway (License image)

D2 chose one of my favourite monochrome humpback whale images for the cover. The photo is obviously not from Norway, but I'm delighted to see it works so well as a cover graphic.

The second is a short travel feature about Moorea, published in Italy's Internazionale magazine. (Click to download PDF)

humpback whale calf with mother
Humpback whale calf atop mommy (License image)

Again, I can't read Italian, but it's always nice to see friends in print.
