I'm back from the DRT Show in Hong Kong.

I am happy to report that:
- It was a terrific show, the first dive industry gathering I've been to in many years;
- It was wonderful catching up with friends, however briefly, and making new ones;
- It was a relief getting each of my two talks ready just-in-time (only barely for the first one) as well as remembering what I wanted to say; and,
- It was sensational to indulge in copious quantities of delicious Cantonese cuisine. Burp.
A big thanks to the organisers for being incredibly well-organised. Didn't have a single problem from the time I landed to the time I left, and the audiovisual equipment worked perfectly!
Several friends were kind enough to share photos of my talks, which I'm including here as evidence that I do wear shoes, pants, and even a jacket every once in a while (in response to snide remarks from a few of my "friends"). Oh...and also to document my progressive loss of hair.