Continuing with my ongoing series of posts featuring Stupid Tony Tricks, here's one that I didn't even have to be present for (how's that for efficiency?):

Me as Vera Wang. Or is it Vera Wang as me?
This snapshot comes via my friend Eric Cheng, who saw a copy of this magazine at Fashion Week in New York.
I did a double-take when I saw the cover photo, because, well...that's me!
I know I'm getting increasingly absent-minded, but one would think that I'd recall posing for Fashion Week. Especially with pizza, 'cause I love pizza. Eating it anyway, not so much the making part.
Anyway, being the kind of friend(?) that he is, Eric immediately posted the flattering photo to Facebook, tagged me, and asked if I design wedding dresses in my spare time.
It took me a while to realise that the face on the cover is supposed to be Vera Wang, a famous wedding dress designer.
For avoidance of all doubt, I'd like to state for the public record that I have never (knowingly) designed a wedding dress, and otherwise have no connection to Vera Wang (except that we're both Chinese of course, and she might just like pizza as much as I do).
As successful as she is, Vera must be quite switched on. So I'm sure she would have the good sense to disavow any connection to me as well, however remote or far-fetched.
(Thanks Eric...I think.)