
When you find yourself on an idyllic tropical island, surrounded by unspoiled nature, whales frolicking in the background...what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Why, a game of cribbage of course.

Several of my travel companions to Tonga organised a couple of late-night sessions while we were at Mounu Island Resort. Cards were dealt; alcohol was consumed; shrieks were emitted; egos were crushed...and yet, I still have no idea what cribbage is.

Perhaps that's because I was too exhausted to try to learn the rules, so I fiddled with my phone to document the proceedings.

Given the fact that it was practically pitch black but for the kerosene lamps and a handful of light bulbs, the photos turned out nicely I think.

Photos taken with my iPhone 4S using Hipstamatic.

Beverley helping(?) Allan with his hand
Beverley helping(?) Allan with his hand

"Card Shark" Karl showing us his stuff

Playing cribbage at Mounu Island Resort, Tonga
Playing cards

Kirsty making a point
Kirsty making a point

Dinner greeting and menu at Mounu Island Resort
Dinner greeting and menu at Mounu Island Resort

May deep in thought; Karl expounding on something or another
May deep in thought; Karl expounding on something or another

Shuffling cards late at night
Shuffling cards late at night

Allan soldiering on after a few drinks
Allan soldiering on after a few drinks

Backlit beard fuzz
Backlit beard fuzz