While cleaning up my workspace (read: hopelessly shifting junk from one pile to another and back again), I came across a few test prints, “proofs” in the parlance of we refined visual artists (I wasn’t able to type that with a straight face), that I had made during the process of preparing my initial selection of limited edition prints.

The purpose of printing proofs was to do a test run, to ensure that colour correction, cropping, choice of paper and print process, etc. all produced the quality I wanted. I’m a stickler for quality control (read: pain in the behind).
Fortunately, everything went according to plan, and the proofs were perfect.
I must’ve stashed them into one of my “deal with later” piles (as distinguished from my “deal with much later” and “pretend I might deal with some day” piles) and forgotten about them, as discovering the prints a few days ago took me somewhat by surprise. Sort of like finding loose change between sofa cushions.
I was about to toss them out when I thought: “ Hmmm…These could make really nice holiday gifts.”
So…if you’d like one of these proof prints, perhaps as a year-end gift for someone, I’m offering them for sale at US$150 + shipping. Here are the three that I have:
- Frisky Foursome (sold)
- Courtship Bliss (sold)
- Singer
- (Addendum: I found one more: Mary Go 'Round) (sold)
Each test print is 8.5 x 11 inches (with the image centered and some white border around the sides), and they are all printed on the same high-quality Fuji Crystal Archive paper I use for full-size prints, with the same photographic print process, i.e., not inkjet.
For clarity, these will not be part of the limited print runs for the relevant images. I will sign each proof and write “test print” on the back of each image.
I only have proofs of these three photos, unless I stumble across additional ones while “organising” some more, and there is only one proof print of each image.
It’s first come, first served, so contact me if you’re interested!