24-hour Turnaround

After slightly over 24 hours on the ground (during which I sent out files, replied to hundreds of emails, made dozens of phone calls, ran all over town, unpacked, gave my dog a bath, and re-packed) I'm just about ready to head out again, this time to the Kingdom of Tonga.

As a double-check of my camera gear, here's a list of what I'm taking:

2 x Canon 5D + 3 batteries + 2 chargers
1 Canon 1D MkIII + 1 battery + 1 charger
17-40mm lens
15mm fisheye lens
20mm lens
50mm lens
100mm lens
100-400mm lens
2 x Zillion 5D housings
Ports and extension tubes to fit all the above lenses
CF memory cards: 2 x 8GB, 4GB
External hard disks: 160GB, 80GB, iPod
Plug shape adapters for the funny plug shapes they use down under
Camera straps
Camera rain jacket

Fortunately, I don't have to take strobes, sync cords, arms, batteries and chargers, so the list is short this time. Still, given the jet lag, I'm wary of forgetting something. It's not like I can pop over to the nearest camera store to pick things up.