Besides the fact that we saw sperm whales, lots of dolphins, and giant squid parts(!), the trip to Ogasawara was a lot of fun. We had a terrific group of people, and Ogasawara is a laid-back, unspoiled bit of paradise in the middle of the Pacific that's difficult not to fall in love with.
Below is a short video/ slideshow to give you an idea of what it's like in Ogasawara. It's a large file, so let it buffer before you play if you have a relatively slow internet connection.
All the images and video (including the sperm whale underwater) were shot with Canon cameras...5D, 5D Mark II, 1D Mark III.
[flv: 480 270]
I may be heading back to Ogasawara again next year. If you're interested in joining, drop me a note via my contact form.