After a nice stay at home, during which I sat in front of the computer 90% of the time, I'm heading out for more adventures.
In between answering emails and attending to piles of e-paperwork, I managed to get some photo-editing done over the past several weeks.
So I'm pretty much caught up to 2004 now. The beginning, not the end.
Before I take off, I thought I'd share a few pix of my wonderful sea lion friends from Down Under. I'm really looking forward to visiting them again in March, along with a bunch of (human) friends who will be joining me to entertain the playful pinnipeds!

Inquisitive young Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea)
swimming upside-down to investigate me

Australian sea lion keeping an eye (and nose) (and whiskers) on me

Aussie (of course) sea lion chilling out on a bed of seagrass
And yes...they really are this cute.