How To Impress a Potato Cod

It's the first Monday morning of the new year, and I'm back at my desk, staring at an incredibly long to-do list. I have lots of meetings to attend, calls to make, emails to answer, stuff to get, and things to send. Sigh.

Faced with such an overwhelming task list, the natural thing to do is procrastinate.

To kick off the year, here's a profile shot of a potato cod (Epinephelus tukula) from the Carl's Ultimate dive site in the Eastern Fields of Papua New Guinea.

potato cod

There are four of these fish resident at the site, two of which are big, one medium and one small. They've been there for many years, and I'm happy that all four were still happy and healthy during my recent visit.

If you travel to the Eastern Fields and have an opportunity to say hello to one or more of these friendly fish, keep in mind that the secret to getting good photos of potato cods is to impress them so much with your swimming skill and photographic prowess that they can't help but stick around to watch Julian so aptly demonstrates: